Frozen Cherry peppers
By Ferme Natura
Distance traveled : 30 Km in average
Distance traveled : 30 Km in average
4.50 $
4.50$/225g ou 8.50$/450g
Round red pepper of approximately 3 cm diametre that was emptied, cut and frozen. It's moderately hot. It's the mildest of our hot peppers, similar to Ancho Poblano.
It's perferct to add colour and moderately spice-up your favorite dishes.
Defrost only the amount needed.
Round red pepper of approximately 3 cm diametre that was emptied, cut and frozen. It's moderately hot. It's the mildest of our hot peppers, similar to Ancho Poblano.
It's perferct to add colour and moderately spice-up your favorite dishes.
Defrost only the amount needed.