Nurnberg Sausage

Distance traveled : 50 Km in average
8.20 $
3 par paquet d'environ 245g-305g.
Traditional cooked german styleporc sausage with a hint of marjoran, lemon.
Three per pack of 265g-295g approx.
Prepared and smoked in house, Valens Sausages are all precooked , so they do not require full cooking , they only need to be reheated. They can be prepare in the oven, in the stove, on the Bar-B-Q or directly in a sauce . Only a few minutes and you can enjoy this little gastronomic pleasure.
No nitrates or phosphates added
Traditional cooked german styleporc sausage with a hint of marjoran, lemon.
Three per pack of 265g-295g approx.
Prepared and smoked in house, Valens Sausages are all precooked , so they do not require full cooking , they only need to be reheated. They can be prepare in the oven, in the stove, on the Bar-B-Q or directly in a sauce . Only a few minutes and you can enjoy this little gastronomic pleasure.
No nitrates or phosphates added